As You Know, We’ve Had Some Problems

July 23, 2009

About Website Hosting

When we first decided to go away from free, I had no idea just how crazy hosting your own site would be. We went with a very popular shared host, installed WordPress, and off we went.

Over time, though, that site began to bog down. We were getting lots of good traffic, but no matter what I tried (and my knowledge at the time was very low), I couldn’t get the site to move faster.

Then problems really started when our traffic started getting into the thousands of unique hits every day, topping out at about 10,000 on election day.

Then something astonishing happened. Well, it was astonishing to me, but not to anyone with any sense. Our shared hosting company ditched us, and we had to move the site yet again. Would I be admitting to too much stupidity if I told you that happened twice?

Well, that was a long time ago, and I’ve finally learned all the lessons I should have learned before I started hosting my own website. And better yet, I’ve decided to share.

So if you have a site on a shared host, or really any type of host, there are some major things that no one will tell you that you really need to know. For instance, you could be having crazy amounts of spam bots accessing your site thousands of times a day and you won’t even know it unless you know where to look because most stat programs ignore bots.

Anyway, to read all that I’ve learned, click on the link below:

Shared Hosting Servers

New Conservative Shirts Site

April 11, 2009

A number of us conservative bloggers have gotten together and created a conservative shirts site.  You can see the site here: Conservative Shirts.

We’ve only been going for a short while, but we already have a number of designs up.  One of the more topical ones involves the tea parties.  You can see those shirts here: Tea Party Shirt.

Solutions Outside of the Stimulus Package?

February 10, 2009

I received an email from the American Solutions folks today, the same people who ran the Drill Here. Drill Now. Pay Less. campaign.  I posted it at Conservative Blog

This time their target is the stimulus package.  Go take a look at the email, then visit the site to learn more about the proposal.

12 American Solutions for Jobs and Prosperity

Obama: told to put a lid on it?

September 19, 2008

“Given the gravity of this situation, and based on conversations I have had with both Secretary Paulson and Chairman Bernanke, I have asked my economic team to refrain from presenting a more detailed blue-print of how an immediate plan might be structured until the Treasury and the Federal Reserve have had an opportunity to present their proposal.” – Obama

In other words, we know you’re in the middle of a heated campaign, but please, enough of the hysterics about the economy, we don’t need you spooking the horses any more than they already are.

A quick note from the Palin email hacker…

September 19, 2008

This was part of a longer message left by the hacker after reading through Palin’s emails:

I really wanted to get something incriminating which I was sure there would be, just like all of you anon out there that you think there was some missed opportunity of glory, well there WAS NOTHING, I read everything, every little blackberry confirmation… all the pictures, and there was nothing

Read the rest of the letter and the accompanying story

Stocks set for an historic rally?

September 19, 2008

Action taken by the government to secure the financial sector and a hold on short sales is potentially setting the market up for a huge gain today.

Stocks head for rally after word of gov’t plan

European shares surge as banks rally hard

Short selling ban is on in force

HK stocks rally dramatically, market’s full recovery looms

US Stock Futures Rally, Extending Global Surge; Banks Soar

Wall Street ready for big open

Liberal Terrorist Being Hunted

September 18, 2008

Progressive American terrorist, Daniel Andreas San Diego, is on the run after planting sophisticated bombs at two different corporations he tied to a third corporation that does laboratory testing on animals. 

He is a part of the progressive organization named Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty, whose members perform acts of intimidation by following employees children to school and continuing their protests there.

Read the article

NJ callers dialing Dems get sex chat offer instead

September 18, 2008

I don’t know about you, but if I thought I was about to talk to the Democratic Party over the phone and ended up talking to a sex chat lady instead, I’d be relieved.  The short story.

McCain’s economic advisor Fiorina benched after gaffe

September 18, 2008

Ah, speaking your mind is now a gaffe?  Apparently so.  Fiorina stated that none of the four people involved in the presidential election could run a company, which would be a tragic sort of thing given that running the country requires the exact same skills plus some: the ability to hire good people to be around you, the ability to delegate, the ability to inspire, the ability to listen to various points of view and make the right decisions through the confusion of people with their own agendas, the ability to win support for your positions.  Chuck in foreign policy, the country’s monetary policy and dealing with members of your own company (the other party) who are actively working against you, and I would say that being President of the country is quite a bit more than running a company.

read the story

Chinese dairy industry puts melamine in milk powder: 4 killed, 6000 injured

September 18, 2008

The company that brought you such fantastic products of slave labor as lead tainted toys and deadly dog food and heparin has not gotten into the contamination of the milk supply business.  The good news for the rest of the world is that most of the problem has been contained to China.  The bad news is that 4 children have died and over 6000 have been injured.

Lots of stories about it.  Try this one.